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Incase was founded in 2003. We specialize in the import, wholesale and marketing of innovative beauty and lifestyle items. The focus is on hair, beauty, bags, accessories and luggage sectors.


Today the company is one of the leading trading companies in the beauty segment with over 5,000 products and more than 30 million items sold. From the development of the collection through series production to marketing, we offer innovative OEM items and entire private label series. We create your product wishes together with you - economically, discreetly and ready for the market. More than 35 major customers in 28 countries trust in our innovative strength.



We offer you individual customer service and comprehensive fulfillment services.

Benefit from continuous cost control and our many years of industry experience.

As a multi-certified and internationally active company, we offer you complete solutions.

Through our partner office in the Far East and global logistics service providers, we ensure that your areas are supplied on time -Europe-wide.


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Topansicht von gefalteten Schals

Beauty for every day

Guilia sees itself as an ambassador for everyday beauty and joy. Our philosophy is to offer products that enrich the lives of our customers in a simple and effective way.

We focus on continuous innovation and development to create beauty and lifestyle products that are not only practical, but also provide a sense of satisfaction and style. With Guilia, you are not just choosing a product, but a lifestyle that balances beauty and functionality.

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Practical beauty tools for the modern lifestyle

Guilia offers a wide range of practical beauty tools and hair accessories designed specifically for today's dynamic lifestyle. Our products are made from carefully selected materials that offer a balance between quality and modern manufacturing technology. By combining mechanical precision and thoughtful design, we create products that are both functional and visually appealing, fitting perfectly into the lives of our fashion-conscious customers.

Das Bild zeigt eine kreative Arbeitsumgebung, in der mehrere Personen an einem Tisch arbeiten. Auf dem Tisch liegen Farbfächer, Farbmusterkarten und Papier mit verschiedenen Farbschemata. Eine Person schreibt mit einem gelben Stift, während eine andere mit einem Laptop arbeitet. Im Hintergrund sind weitere Farbmuster und Inspirationstafeln sichtbar. Die Szene vermittelt ein Gefühl von Design, Kreativität und Zusammenarbeit.
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Practical beauty tools for the modern lifestyle

Guilia offers a wide range of practical beauty tools and hair accessories designed specifically for today's dynamic lifestyle. Our products are made from carefully selected materials that offer a balance between quality and modern manufacturing technology. By combining mechanical precision and thoughtful design, we create products that are both functional and visually appealing, fitting perfectly into the lives of our fashion-conscious customers.

Das Bild zeigt zwei Personen, die an einem Schreibtisch arbeiten. Eine Person hält ein aufgeschlagenes Dokument oder Magazin und deutet auf eine Seite, während die andere Person mit einem Stift in der Hand am Tisch sitzt. Auf dem Schreibtisch befinden sich ein Computer, eine Maus, ein Holzmodell einer menschlichen Figur, Bürobedarf wie Stifte und Notizzettel sowie eine kleine Topfpflanze. Durch das Fenster im Hintergrund fällt Tageslicht in den Raum, was die kreative und konzentrierte Arbeitsatmosphäre unterstreicht.
Das Bild zeigt eine Person, die an einem Entwurf für Verpackungsdesign arbeitet. Auf einem weißen Tisch liegt eine aufgezeichnete Vorlage für eine Verpackung, und die Person zeichnet mit einem Bleistift Details ein. Rund um die Vorlage sind verschiedene Kartonverpackungen, darunter Schachteln und Hüllen, in unterschiedlichen Stadien der Fertigung zu sehen. Ein Lineal und weitere Werkzeuge zur Präzision unterstützen den Designprozess. Im Hintergrund steht eine kleine Topfpflanze, die der Szene eine moderne und kreative Atmosphäre verleiht.

Beauty for every day

Guilia sees itself as an ambassador for everyday beauty and joy. Our philosophy is to offer products that enrich the lives of our customers in a simple and effective way.

We focus on continuous innovation and development to create beauty and lifestyle products that are not only practical, but also provide a sense of satisfaction and style. With Guilia, you are not just choosing a product, but a lifestyle that balances beauty and functionality.


Practical beauty tools for the modern lifestyle

Guilia offers a wide range of practical beauty tools and hair accessories designed specifically for today's dynamic lifestyle. Our products are made from carefully selected materials that offer a balance between quality and modern manufacturing technology. By combining mechanical precision and thoughtful design, we create products that are both functional and visually appealing, fitting perfectly into the lives of our fashion-conscious customers.

Das Bild zeigt eine Auswahl von Beauty- und Wellnessprodukten, die auf einer weichen, hellen Oberfläche arrangiert sind. Zu sehen sind unter anderem ein blauer Massagehandschuh, ein blauer Doppelrollen-Massageroller, ein Gesichtsmassagetool in Form eines Schmetterlings sowie weitere Massage- und Pflegeprodukte in pastellfarbenen Verpackungen. Ein kleines rosa Gefäß, möglicherweise eine Creme, ergänzt das Arrangement. Das einfallende Licht betont die sanften Farben und verleiht der Szene eine entspannte, pflegende Atmosphäre.
Das Bild zeigt zwei Mitarbeiter in einem Lager, umgeben von Regalen mit Kartons. Die Frau hält ein Tablet in der Hand und zeigt darauf, während der Mann neben ihr eine große Kartonschachtel trägt und aufmerksam auf das Tablet schaut. Beide tragen blaue Hemden, was auf ein professionelles Arbeitsumfeld hinweist. Die Szene vermittelt Teamarbeit und Organisation in einer modernen Lagerumgebung.

Beauty for every day

Guilia sees itself as an ambassador for everyday beauty and joy. Our philosophy is to offer products that enrich the lives of our customers in a simple and effective way.

We focus on continuous innovation and development to create beauty and lifestyle products that are not only practical, but also provide a sense of satisfaction and style. With Guilia, you are not just choosing a product, but a lifestyle that balances beauty and functionality.


Practical beauty tools for the modern lifestyle

Guilia offers a wide range of practical beauty tools and hair accessories designed specifically for today's dynamic lifestyle. Our products are made from carefully selected materials that offer a balance between quality and modern manufacturing technology. By combining mechanical precision and thoughtful design, we create products that are both functional and visually appealing, fitting perfectly into the lives of our fashion-conscious customers.


Practical beauty tools for the modern lifestyle

Guilia offers a wide range of practical beauty tools and hair accessories designed specifically for today's dynamic lifestyle. Our products are made from carefully selected materials that offer a balance between quality and modern manufacturing technology. By combining mechanical precision and thoughtful design, we create products that are both functional and visually appealing, fitting perfectly into the lives of our fashion-conscious customers.


Beauty for every day

Guilia sees itself as an ambassador for everyday beauty and joy. Our philosophy is to offer products that enrich the lives of our customers in a simple and effective way.

We focus on continuous innovation and development to create beauty and lifestyle products that are not only practical, but also provide a sense of satisfaction and style. With Guilia, you are not just choosing a product, but a lifestyle that balances beauty and functionality.



Please contact us for further information.

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