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New business partnership


Since it was founded in 2003, InCase business practices have been based on fairness, honesty and collegial cooperation while complying with applicable law. The continuous development of the company depends to a large extent on our commitment to social responsibility and our reputation as a trustworthy business partner.

We are proud of the fact that all employees feel committed to the company and the guiding principles that are lived here. The Code of Social Responsibility is intended to define and ensure the values and principles of our cooperation. It specifies the minimum standards to which we all feel obliged. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of each individual to uphold the standards and basic rules and to fill them with life every day.


Compliance with legal rules, regulations and standards

Employees are bound by local, national and international laws and guidelines. In order to ensure global business success, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations must not be jeopardized. In case of doubt, the legal expert of the company can be consulted.

We obey the law.


human rights

Compliance with laws, rules and other provisions to protect human dignity and human rights is a matter of course. Disregard or exploitation based on gender, health, sexual orientation, religion or age will not be tolerated. InCase rejects any form of forced or child labor and avoids working with companies or service providers who cannot guarantee this. The company management is committed to non-discrimination and the payment of the statutory minimum wage for men and women alike.

We respect the personal dignity, privacy and comprehensive personal rights of everyone.



environmental Protection

InCase is a trading company. When procuring and using natural resources such as energy, water and raw materials, the constant focus is on resource-saving handling. Where possible, capacities are saved and environmentally friendly alternatives are sought and established. The focal points of sustainability, uncomplicated recyclability and resource-saving packaging and product properties are the focus of activities, are actively developed and offered to trading partners.

We use resources and means of production in a measured manner.



health and safety

The well-being and the physical and mental integrity of all employees is a matter close to the heart of InCase. The employees are promised a risk-free and safe working environment with fair working conditions. The aim of the management is that all employees feel that they are in good hands and can contribute unreservedly to the work processes.

We pay attention to individual working methods and protective measures in the workplace.



trust and appreciation

InCase fully recognizes the psychological integrity of its employees. Every individual has the right to be treated with respect and fairness in the workplace and beyond. The dignity and integrity of all employees is protected in daily cooperation. Managers are therefore called upon to create a working environment characterized by trust, respect and tolerance. Everyone contributes to it. Excluding, degrading, discriminating, disregarding, threatening or insulting behavior between colleagues, managers, towards customers or towards service providers and suppliers will not be tolerated.

We pay attention to respectful cooperation at eye level.



Non-discriminatory work

InCase is a cosmopolitan and diverse company. Willful or accidental discriminatory behavior towards employees, customers, contractors, service providers or suppliers will not be tolerated. No person may be discriminated against or harassed on the basis of nationality, ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status (including pregnancy or maternity), belief, religion, disability or illness.

We promote diversity and respect the human dignity of all.

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